Cretan Olives "Mouratolia" variety glass 0,2L

Vassilakis Estate produces mouratolia olives, a unique local olive variety, marinated according to an old family recipe.
Gross Weight: 0,8 Kg

Availability: Temporarily out of stock

€10,50 10.50
Vassilakis Estate


Mouratolia olives
A unique local olive variety, Cretans call the “queen of the edible table olives”.

Since ancient times, mouratolia olives have been cultivated on carefully chosen ground with the same timehonoured methods. In spite of its superb flavour, the mouratolia olive is only grown in limited quantities because of its low yield per tree. Now, Vassilakis Estate brings you their own mouratolia olives, marinated according to an old family recipe. First, the olives are hand picked and sorted one by one, in order to ensure that only the best are chosen.

This is followed by the marinating process, involving sea salt, pure rainwater, local red wine vinegar and herbs: bay laurel and rosemary. Finally, they are poured into clear glass vases, with Vassilakis extra virgin olive oil. These delicious olives can be enjoyed on their own in your salads or simply as a snack with fresh bread. The container has been carefully chosen for its wide neck, suitable for use as a serving dish.

Produced in limited quantity        

The producer

Vassilakis Estate

Since 1865, the Vassilakis family has produced extra virgin olive oil on their estate in the Mirabello region of Crete, one of the area’s first olive producers. The current Vassilakis generation took over in 1980, preserving time-honoured cultivating and harvesting methods that respect the environment, while investing in state-of-the art extraction, standardization and storage facilities, all of which ensure that Vassilakis Estate olive oils’ superior taste and nutritional values are brought fresh to your table.

The philosophy of the Vassilakis Estate in a nutshell is to offer good food the Vassilakis family enjoys to a wider audience. It is well known that the Cretan diet, of which olive oil is a staple, is very healthy. Other Vassilakis Estate produce includes: a unique eating olive, “Mouratolia”, known locally as the “queen of the eating olives” and Tsikoudia, a traditional Cretan spirit distilled from grapes.


My Tip

Στην Κρήτη τρώμε κάτι πολύ μικρές ελίτσες που για να τις ευχαριστηθείς πρέπει να φας πολλές και η διαδικασία είναι σαν παιχνίδι. Αγαπημένο σνακ, το παξιμάδι με τυρί και ελίτσες.

Τα τελευταία χρόνια κάποιες φορές φτιάχνω κι εγώ τέτοιες ελίτσες από "μουράτες ελιές". Σε ένα κτήμα με 250 ελιές, έχω μόνο μία "μουράτη" ελιά. Απο εκεί ξεδιαλέγω με το χέρι τις πιο μεγάλες και τις βάζω σε αλατόνερο για να ξεπικρίσουν. Όμως η ποσότητα που φτιάχνω είναι πολύ μικρή. Κι έτσι πάντα αναζητώ καλές κρητικές ελιές.

Φέτος λοιπόν θα δοκιμάσω τις ελίτσες "μουρατολιές" από τη νέα σοδειά του Κτήματος Βασιλάκη. Μέσα σ' αυτό το βαζάκι φαίνονται πολύ λαχταριστές. Αν Νοέμβρη-Δεκέμβρη είναι το λιομάζωμα, ε, τότε Γενάρη-Φλεβάρη θα τρώμε ελίτσες. Ας περιμένουμε!



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